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The Sauzile view the dragons as their gods, since they were their creators. The Sauzile were not aware of this fact at first. Following the creation of the Sauzile, most of the dragons wanted nothing to do with the abomination they made. These dragons voted to ignore the race, however there was one dragon who felt differently. This dragon, named Sahvrakor, believed the Sauzile ought to know the history of their origin. Going against the feelings of the others, Sahvrakor visited the crags in 4762 AO and shared with the Sauzile how it is they came to be.


Sahvrakor believed that even though the Sauzile didn’t turn out the way the dragons had imagined, this was not reason enough to outright banish their own creation to some desolate wasteland. The fact that they wound up with an undesirable result is a direct function of the dragons’ own ineptitude. The dragons had wanted their race to represent themselves, their “perfection”. This mistake, in this way, does perfectly represent the dragons, who perhaps aren’t as perfect as they believe themselves to be. Sahvrakor saw no reason to take out any disappointment or anger against the Sauzile, instead pitying them for their banishment.


After Sahvrakor explained the circumstances behind the Sauzilians’ existence, they felt enlightened, but furious that their creators mostly abandoned them. They respected Sahvrakor for not doing the same, hailing him as Sahvrakor The Devoted. He serves as their one true god, the other dragons seen as forces of evil, as anti-gods.




The deities shunned the dwarves for their rough physical appearance. Unlike the Sauzile, who despised their dragon creators for banishing them, the dwarves sought to gain the favor of the deities. The religion of the dwarves revolves around earning the deities' approval, respect, and love. To this end, the dwarves participate in a ritual wherein they present essence stones they have mined to the deities. They hope that in honoring this process and appealing to the deities that, in time, they will come to accept the dwarves.


There are however a group of dwarves who don’t subscribe to the idea of appealing to the gods, desperately seeking their favor. They don’t feel as though they need their approval. They are self-validating and confident in their stance as a race and as a people. These dwarves don’t want to offer the essence stones to the gods, instead desiring the stones for themselves. They believe that perhaps they can unlock the powers residing within these stones, and harness magic. This however, has led to conflict with the dwarves wanting to give the stones to the gods. Using the stones for magic left fewer offerings for the dwarves wanting to use them for the ritual. To ensure the deities’ favor, they required every last stone available. This divide in beliefs, values, and goals has created a rift between the dwarves, which has caused the race much internal turmoil.

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